Allosaur head, bones copy.jpg
Allosaur head, fleshed copy.jpg
amber exhibit, small file copy.jpg
American toad copy.jpg
Anhanguera santanae 2 copy.jpg
Anolis lizard models copy.jpg
Basilosaur port copy.jpg
black rat snake copy.jpg
blue darter dragonfly models copy.jpg
bullsnake2 copy.jpg
Bythotrephes model copy.jpg
Carboniferous amphibian model, Germany copy.jpg
Carboniferous habitat, Germany 1 copy.jpg
Carbonifierous giant cockroaches, Germany copy.jpg
Carturus fish model, Smithsonian copy.jpg
cave crayfish models copy.jpg
cave diorama copy.jpg
Cladoselache fyleri copy.jpg
Cladoselache fyleri 3-4 view copy.jpg
collared lizard model copy.jpg
copperhead with reference photos copy.jpg
crayfish species from Missouri copy.jpg
damselfly models copy.jpg
Dendrobatis frog with tadpoles copy.jpg
Dunkleosteus at AMNH copy.jpg
Dunkleosteus head, AMNH model copy.jpg
Dunkleosteus head, Cleveland model copy.jpg
Dunkleosteus, small scale copy 2.jpg
Durodon port copy.jpg
edible roots 2 copy.jpg
edible roots, forgot name copy.jpg
fence lizards copy.jpg
fox snake copy.jpg
garter snake 2 copy.jpg
garter snake on rock copy.jpg
glass lizard copy.jpg
gray treefrog copy.jpg
green frog copy.jpg
Hybodus shark copy.jpg
Hybodus shark fin detail, AMNH model copy.jpg
Hybodus shark teeth detail, AMNH model copy.jpg
Ichthyosaur 1 copy.jpg
Ichthyosaur detail copy.jpg
IMG_9604 copy.JPG
IMG_9616 copy.JPG
IMG_9618 copy.JPG
maiacetus port copy.jpg
map turtle model copy.jpg
marbled orbweaver spider model copy.jpg
mastodon port copy.jpg
mole cricket model copy.jpg
mosquito enlarged model copy.jpg
mosquito model copy.jpg
Northern brown snake copy.jpg
ornate box turtle copy.jpg
Philippine burial cave exhibit 1 copy.jpg
Philippine burial cave 2 copy.jpg
plains? leopard frog model copy.jpg
plesiadapis 1 copy.jpg
pulche barrel copy.jpg
ringneck snake copy.jpg
Sinonyx copy.jpg
snapping turtle 1 copy.jpg
three toed box turtle, polyester model copy.jpg
tropical damselfly & larva models 2 copy.jpg
tropical scorpion, Smithsonian copy.jpg
tropical snail model, Smithsonian copy.jpg
tuatara copy.jpg
tuatara detail copy.jpg
watersnake eating frog model copy.jpg
watersnake in leaves small copy.jpg
simple pedestals for exhibit
simple pedestals for exhibit
strong hollow bones
strong hollow bones
miacetus exhibit, prehistoric whales
miacetus exhibit, prehistoric whales
microscopic pond life exhibit with video
microscopic pond life exhibit with video
rolling cart for stools and chairs
rolling cart for stools and chairs
Allosaur head, bones copy.jpg
Allosaur head, fleshed copy.jpg
amber exhibit, small file copy.jpg
American toad copy.jpg
Anhanguera santanae 2 copy.jpg
Anolis lizard models copy.jpg
Basilosaur port copy.jpg
black rat snake copy.jpg
blue darter dragonfly models copy.jpg
bullsnake2 copy.jpg
Bythotrephes model copy.jpg
Carboniferous amphibian model, Germany copy.jpg
Carboniferous habitat, Germany 1 copy.jpg
Carbonifierous giant cockroaches, Germany copy.jpg
Carturus fish model, Smithsonian copy.jpg
cave crayfish models copy.jpg
cave diorama copy.jpg
Cladoselache fyleri copy.jpg
Cladoselache fyleri 3-4 view copy.jpg
collared lizard model copy.jpg
copperhead with reference photos copy.jpg
crayfish species from Missouri copy.jpg
damselfly models copy.jpg
Dendrobatis frog with tadpoles copy.jpg
Dunkleosteus at AMNH copy.jpg
Dunkleosteus head, AMNH model copy.jpg
Dunkleosteus head, Cleveland model copy.jpg
Dunkleosteus, small scale copy 2.jpg
Durodon port copy.jpg
edible roots 2 copy.jpg
edible roots, forgot name copy.jpg
fence lizards copy.jpg
fox snake copy.jpg
garter snake 2 copy.jpg
garter snake on rock copy.jpg
glass lizard copy.jpg
gray treefrog copy.jpg
green frog copy.jpg
Hybodus shark copy.jpg
Hybodus shark fin detail, AMNH model copy.jpg
Hybodus shark teeth detail, AMNH model copy.jpg
Ichthyosaur 1 copy.jpg
Ichthyosaur detail copy.jpg
IMG_9604 copy.JPG
IMG_9616 copy.JPG
IMG_9618 copy.JPG
maiacetus port copy.jpg
map turtle model copy.jpg
marbled orbweaver spider model copy.jpg
mastodon port copy.jpg
mole cricket model copy.jpg
mosquito enlarged model copy.jpg
mosquito model copy.jpg
Northern brown snake copy.jpg
ornate box turtle copy.jpg
Philippine burial cave exhibit 1 copy.jpg
Philippine burial cave 2 copy.jpg
plains? leopard frog model copy.jpg
plesiadapis 1 copy.jpg
pulche barrel copy.jpg
ringneck snake copy.jpg
Sinonyx copy.jpg
snapping turtle 1 copy.jpg
three toed box turtle, polyester model copy.jpg
tropical damselfly & larva models 2 copy.jpg
tropical scorpion, Smithsonian copy.jpg
tropical snail model, Smithsonian copy.jpg
tuatara copy.jpg
tuatara detail copy.jpg
watersnake eating frog model copy.jpg
watersnake in leaves small copy.jpg
simple pedestals for exhibit
simple pedestals for exhibit
strong hollow bones
strong hollow bones
miacetus exhibit, prehistoric whales
miacetus exhibit, prehistoric whales
microscopic pond life exhibit with video
microscopic pond life exhibit with video
rolling cart for stools and chairs
rolling cart for stools and chairs
EoplataxLifesize model of fossil fish from Pakistan.
PalaeorhynchusLifesize model of fossil fish from Pakistan.
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